
Showing posts from February, 2024

Coming Out Of My Closet

The shift from the pathology paradigm to the neurodiversity paradigm calls for a radical shift in language. If a person has a medical condition, we might say that “she has cancer,” or “she suffers from ulcers.” But when a person is a member of a minority group, we say “she’s Black,” or “she’s a lesbian.” We recognize that it would be outrageously inappropriate—and  likely mark  us as ignorant or bigoted—if we were to refer to a Black person as “having negroism” or being a “person with negroism,” or that someone “suffers from homosexuality.”  So  if we use phrases like “person with Autism,” or “families affected by Autism,”  we’re   using .   . .  language  that .   . .  accepts and reinforces the assumption that Autism is intrinsically a problem. In the language of the neurodiversity  paradigm .   . .   we  speak of Autistics in the same way we would speak of any social minority group: I am Autisti...