
Coming Out Of My Closet

The shift from the pathology paradigm to the neurodiversity paradigm calls for a radical shift in language. If a person has a medical condition, we might say that “she has cancer,” or “she suffers from ulcers.” But when a person is a member of a minority group, we say “she’s Black,” or “she’s a lesbian.” We recognize that it would be outrageously inappropriate—and  likely mark  us as ignorant or bigoted—if we were to refer to a Black person as “having negroism” or being a “person with negroism,” or that someone “suffers from homosexuality.”  So  if we use phrases like “person with Autism,” or “families affected by Autism,”  we’re   using .   . .  language  that .   . .  accepts and reinforces the assumption that Autism is intrinsically a problem. In the language of the neurodiversity  paradigm .   . .   we  speak of Autistics in the same way we would speak of any social minority group: I am Autisti...

Backside of Sunrise

Something I wrote about twenty-five years ago when we lived on the Oregon coast. Found the picture when I was going through some things and thought I would share it here.  Backside of Someone Else’s Sunrise   As I look upon the last glimmers of the setting sun, I cannot help to think that while my day is done someone else’s has just begun. We mourn the loss of the sun’s warming glow as yet another day passes away, but we forget that in another place it is bringing a new day through God’s mighty grace. Next time you contemplate the long cold night ahead, hold close to the promise that soon someone else will be looking at the backside of your sunrise.

The Rescue Society

To be completely up front, the concept for this post came from a sermon I heard Charles Swindol preach years ago. I've thought about it many times over the years and have come to realize it is more  applicable now then ever. I have to admit that he told it much better than I ever could. So without further ado, here it is.......................... The Rescue Society There was once a group of men who lived in a small seaside village. Due to its northern latitude the village was prone to strong storms blowing in from the sea. To compound the treacherous seas, the coastline was lined with rocky outcroppings. Over the years many ships had run aground on the rocks, almost always with a large loss of life. One night during a strong storm, this group of friends sat around the fire at the local tavern eating a warm bowl of stew. As they eat and talked, the conversation eventually turn to the storm raging outside and weather there would be another shipwreck that evening. One of the men n...

A Question of Trust

4 But You,  Adonai , are a shield around me, my glory and the lifter of my head. 5  5 I cry out to  Adonai  with my voice, and He answers me from His holy mountain.                                                                                           Selah 6  I lie down and sleep. I awake—for  Adonai   sustains me.                                                Psalms 3:4-6 Think about that for a minute.......David wrote these words when he was fleeing from his son Absalom. Yet in the midst of fleeing for his life, he cries out to God in praise of His protection. Can we say that we have that kind of fa...

To Be Totally Honest

To be totally honest, my purpose for writing tends to be self indulgent. Thoughts tend to roll around in my head but never fully form until they have an avenue to be let out. In writing, inklings form in to thoughts, then become full fledged ideas and expressions of beliefs. The majority of what I tend to write about comes from reading the bible. My prayer is that anyone reading these posts will be encouraged to dig deeper into God's word and discover the promises He has for those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. For the most part, biblical quotes are taken from the Tree of Life (TLV) translation of the bible. I have found this new translation brings a fresh perspective to God's word. The following is from the TLV Bible Society's website: The Tree of Life Version (TLV) speaks with a decidedly Jewish-friendly voice - a voice like the Bible authors themselves - to recover the authentic context of the Bible and the Christian faith. Jesus's death and resurrection wer...